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Dear readers!
I have finished Rosetta Stone German level 3 and here is my study report you were already asking me for.This review is especially important for two reasons:
1 – Let’s say you want to study Portuguese, Latin, Arabic, Greek, Polish or Japanese with Rosetta Stone – well, the courses for these languages, as for several other languages, are available only up to level 3. So what will you learn? What can Rosetta Stone do for us after finishing this specific level?
2 – When I finished the Italian course, I demonstrated it is possible to achieve significant results if the language you are studying is linguistically close to your background. But what can Rosetta Stone do for us when we study more difficult languages?
2 – When I finished the Italian course, I demonstrated it is possible to achieve significant results if the language you are studying is linguistically close to your background. But what can Rosetta Stone do for us when we study more difficult languages?
Well, let’s try to discover…
25 hours – Level 1 (standard curriculum)
17 hours – Level 2 (standard curriculum)
30 hours – Level 3 (extended curriculum)
04 hours – review (placement mode of all 3 levels)
11 hours – Audio Companion
TOTAL: 87 hours of study. I studied around one level per month.
Goethe Institute – (listening and reading only) *
Level A1 = 90%
Listening - 14 from 15 points.
Reading - 13 from 15 points.
Level A2 = 70%
Listening – 9 from 15 points.
Reading – 12 from 15 points.
25 hours – Level 1 (standard curriculum)
17 hours – Level 2 (standard curriculum)
30 hours – Level 3 (extended curriculum)
04 hours – review (placement mode of all 3 levels)
11 hours – Audio Companion
TOTAL: 87 hours of study. I studied around one level per month.
Goethe Institute – (listening and reading only) *
Level A1 = 90%
Listening - 14 from 15 points.
Reading - 13 from 15 points.
Level A2 = 70%
Listening – 9 from 15 points.
Reading – 12 from 15 points.
*I didn’t do the writing and speaking parts because there is no automatic correction.
After finishing level 3, I can say I speak German a little. In general terms, I’m able to use the language in very simple social interactions.
Here are some of the main situations in which I can use my knowledge of German:
- Greetings;
- Introducing oneself and getting to know a new person.
- Asking for directions;
- Getting a taxi;
- Talking to clerks at the airport, bus station, subway;
- Going shopping;
- Eating out;
- Checking into a hotel;
- Asking for help;
- Talking to a doctor;
- Saying what I need or what I want;
- Expressing opinions and describing things in a very simple way.
This knowledge would be enough, for example, to use the language as a tourist in Germany, or to interact a little with someone who speaks German. But I still can’t really have a conversation in the language. I can’t express my opinion in a more complex way, I can’t defend my ideas in a discussion, I wouldn’t even be able to understand a discussion.
If you go back to my report of when I finished Italian Level 3, you will see that Rosetta Stone helped me to be able to watch the news and documentaries in Italian and even read simple texts – I have done this as a habit since then. However, none of these things is possible with German yet. I have tried watching videos and reading texts in the language, but I feel it is pointless. In fact, I can understand lots of isolated words - German is not a totally strange language for me as it was before. In every sentence I read or listen to, I can recognize a number of words I learned in the course, but I still cannot put these words together to have a satisfactory understanding.
I have randomly selected an article from Euronews to verify how many words I could recognize from it.
If you go back to my report of when I finished Italian Level 3, you will see that Rosetta Stone helped me to be able to watch the news and documentaries in Italian and even read simple texts – I have done this as a habit since then. However, none of these things is possible with German yet. I have tried watching videos and reading texts in the language, but I feel it is pointless. In fact, I can understand lots of isolated words - German is not a totally strange language for me as it was before. In every sentence I read or listen to, I can recognize a number of words I learned in the course, but I still cannot put these words together to have a satisfactory understanding.
I have randomly selected an article from Euronews to verify how many words I could recognize from it.
words that would be recognized without any previous study (proper names and cognates)
words recognized after finishing level 3 (words I learned in the course)
303 words in the total constitute this text
52 words (in blue), or 17% of the total, would be recognized without any previous study of the language, such as proper names and cognates.
160 words (in red) were recognized after finishing RS level 3.
212 words, or 70% of all words, were recognized in the total
I was able to recognize 70% of the words from this text after finishing RS level 3. This is surprising – I was not expecting that much. But in fact, this can give a false impression of what comprehension really is. Being able to recognize 70% of the words from a text does not mean I am able to put them together to understand 70% of the message of the text and interpret it well. Also because a great number of the words that constitute any text are function words, such as articles, prepositions, pronouns and auxiliary verbs, that is, words we are supposed to learn in a basic language course. But I still cannot understand many content words that are essential to interpret the text. And if you take a look at the text again, you will see that most of the content words I recognized are cognates. So in my subjective assessment, I feel I cannot read the news in German and have a satisfactory comprehension.
The biggest difficulty in learning German is how weird the words are. In the beginning, it was very hard to pronounce and also to get used to the writing system. I didn’t have this feeling with the other languages I have studied because they are closer to my cultural background. In this sense, German is a more distant language, both in terms of being more linguistically distant from the languages I know, and also in terms of not being so present in my everyday life (I hardly ever listen to German).
After I started getting used to the words, the writing and the pronunciation, the main difficulty that persisted is with the comprehension. Sometimes I had to read or listen to the same sentence a number of times to be able to understand it. But, as I take this as an experiment, I really did not consult any dictionary. If I don’t understand something, I just go ahead – the impressive thing is that, as I go further in the course, when I am least expecting I have a sudden comprehension of most things I had left behind.
I did not experience this difficulty in comprehension when I studied Italian with RS – I was able to understand sentences almost instantaneously. For me, as a Portuguese speaker, Italian is pretty easy to understand, but difficult to write and speak correctly.
Another difficulty is with articles, prepositions, plurals and word endings. These things seem to be very illogical and arbitrary. I could in fact learn how to use part of these elements intuitively, although it is very hard. But I like this adventure of letting my intuition work, and I will only look for explanations after I finish level 5.
After I finished the three levels in the computer, I went on to the Audio Companion (AC) to serve as a review. There are 11 hours of listening material from level 1 to level 3. I felt that listening to everything really strengthened my knowledge and it made a big difference in my speaking skill.
In the computer, we learn by means of sounds, images and writing. But with the AC we just practice with sounds. That requires a very different mental process – we develop a different kind of perception of the language. With the software, we always associate sounds to images; but with just the sounds, we are forced to bring those images into our minds. Another good thing is that the vocabulary sections of each lesson in the AC bring lots of words from previous lessons as a review. This really reinforced my ability to remember words more easily and speak better.
After finishing Rosetta Stone German Level 3 in almost 90 hours of study, I obtained 90% in level A1 and 70% in level A2 – that corresponds to a basic knowledge. At this point, the course provides enough content to enable the learner to deal with very simple social interactions. I would be able to use this knowledge in most common situations as a tourist in a foreign country, to introduce myself, to start a simple conversation with someone or to describe things in a simple way. I was able to recognize 70% of the words from a text. This may be impressive, but we have to consider that most of these words are function words and not content words that would permit a better understanding. I recognize a number of isolated words in every sentence I read or listen to – but not to a point to have a significant understanding.
words recognized after finishing level 3 (words I learned in the course)
In einem europäischen Forschungsprojekt im italienischen Turin versuchen Wissenschaftler, die Geräusche einer Maschine genau zu untersuchen. Die Idee dahinter ist, die Vibrationen aufzuzeichnen, um eventuelle Ausfälle vorherzusagen und zu verhindern.
Der Physiker Alessandro Zanella: “Die Vibrationen stammen von Rotationen und beweglichen Teilen in den Motoren. Jede Maschine macht Geräusche und aufgrund derer können wir eine Diagnose zum Zustand der Maschine stellen. Wenn bestimmte Geräusche erzeugt werden, können diese auf mechanische Fehler hinweisen.”
Ein Kugellager, das kurz davor steht, kaputt zu gehen, erzeugt eine Vibration. Das bedeutet, dass der Fehler entdeckt werden kann, bevor die Maschine zusammenbricht. Dies geschieht mit Hilfe von Vibrationssensoren. Das Diagramm von Vibrationen kann wie ein EKG gelesen werden. Komplexe Algorithmen geben detaillierte Auskunft über den Zustand der Maschine. Aber es werden nicht alle Daten gesendet, nur solche, die entscheidend für die Analyse sind. Dafür sorgt ein kleines Gerät, erklärt Computer-Experte Mihai Marin-Perianu. “Dieses analysiert die Daten in Echtzeit. Dafür nutzt es anspruchsvolle Verfahren. Zeit und Frequenz spielen dabei eine wichtige Rolle. Es zieht aus dem Datenstrom die Merkmale heraus, die auf Fehler hinweisen können, und sendet diese dann an die Zentrale. Wir werden uns in Zukunft immer mehr auf diese Verfahrensweise verlassen, um in Fabriken jedes Teil einer Maschine virtuell beobachten zu können. Das wird in einem beispiellosen Umfang geschehen, aber zu erschwinglichen Kosten.”
Weniger Defekte machen eine Maschine effizienter und sorgen nicht nur für eine bessere Qualität der Geräte, sondern auch für eine höhere Sicherheit.
Computer-Experte Paul Havinga: “Vibrationen gibt es überall, in Flugzeugen, Hubschraubern, Maschinen und Zügen. Vibrationen geben einen Einblick in die Qualität der jeweiligen Maschine, in welchem Zustand sie sich befindet und ob sie voraussichtlich eine Panne haben wird. In den kommenden Jahren soll die Technologie zur Überwachung von Vibrationen auch in Zügen, Flugzeugen und Fabriken weltweit eingesetzt werden.”
303 words in the total constitute this text
52 words (in blue), or 17% of the total, would be recognized without any previous study of the language, such as proper names and cognates.
160 words (in red) were recognized after finishing RS level 3.
212 words, or 70% of all words, were recognized in the total
I was able to recognize 70% of the words from this text after finishing RS level 3. This is surprising – I was not expecting that much. But in fact, this can give a false impression of what comprehension really is. Being able to recognize 70% of the words from a text does not mean I am able to put them together to understand 70% of the message of the text and interpret it well. Also because a great number of the words that constitute any text are function words, such as articles, prepositions, pronouns and auxiliary verbs, that is, words we are supposed to learn in a basic language course. But I still cannot understand many content words that are essential to interpret the text. And if you take a look at the text again, you will see that most of the content words I recognized are cognates. So in my subjective assessment, I feel I cannot read the news in German and have a satisfactory comprehension.
The biggest difficulty in learning German is how weird the words are. In the beginning, it was very hard to pronounce and also to get used to the writing system. I didn’t have this feeling with the other languages I have studied because they are closer to my cultural background. In this sense, German is a more distant language, both in terms of being more linguistically distant from the languages I know, and also in terms of not being so present in my everyday life (I hardly ever listen to German).
After I started getting used to the words, the writing and the pronunciation, the main difficulty that persisted is with the comprehension. Sometimes I had to read or listen to the same sentence a number of times to be able to understand it. But, as I take this as an experiment, I really did not consult any dictionary. If I don’t understand something, I just go ahead – the impressive thing is that, as I go further in the course, when I am least expecting I have a sudden comprehension of most things I had left behind.
I did not experience this difficulty in comprehension when I studied Italian with RS – I was able to understand sentences almost instantaneously. For me, as a Portuguese speaker, Italian is pretty easy to understand, but difficult to write and speak correctly.
Another difficulty is with articles, prepositions, plurals and word endings. These things seem to be very illogical and arbitrary. I could in fact learn how to use part of these elements intuitively, although it is very hard. But I like this adventure of letting my intuition work, and I will only look for explanations after I finish level 5.
After I finished the three levels in the computer, I went on to the Audio Companion (AC) to serve as a review. There are 11 hours of listening material from level 1 to level 3. I felt that listening to everything really strengthened my knowledge and it made a big difference in my speaking skill.
In the computer, we learn by means of sounds, images and writing. But with the AC we just practice with sounds. That requires a very different mental process – we develop a different kind of perception of the language. With the software, we always associate sounds to images; but with just the sounds, we are forced to bring those images into our minds. Another good thing is that the vocabulary sections of each lesson in the AC bring lots of words from previous lessons as a review. This really reinforced my ability to remember words more easily and speak better.
After finishing Rosetta Stone German Level 3 in almost 90 hours of study, I obtained 90% in level A1 and 70% in level A2 – that corresponds to a basic knowledge. At this point, the course provides enough content to enable the learner to deal with very simple social interactions. I would be able to use this knowledge in most common situations as a tourist in a foreign country, to introduce myself, to start a simple conversation with someone or to describe things in a simple way. I was able to recognize 70% of the words from a text. This may be impressive, but we have to consider that most of these words are function words and not content words that would permit a better understanding. I recognize a number of isolated words in every sentence I read or listen to – but not to a point to have a significant understanding.
That's all folks. Now I'll study hard because I want to return soon to bring my study report after I finish level 5 - and I'll also make a video to show you guys a little of my speaking skill so you will know what you can expect from the course. Just type your email address in the box on the top corner to follow the blog and receive the lastest updates! [If you use Chrome and can't see features like the box to subscribe and the traffic counter, try another browser.]
See you soon! Let's study!
Caros leitores!
Terminei o nível 3 do Rosetta Stone Alemão e finalmente aqui vai meu relatório de estudos que vocês já estavam pedindo.
Este relatório é especialmente importante por duas razões:
1 – Digamos que você queira aprender Latim, Grego, Japonês, Polonês ou Árabe com o Rosetta Stone - bem, os cursos para essas línguas, assim como para várias outras, só vão até o nível 3. Então o que você vai aprender? O que o curso pode fazer por nós após o término desse nível específico?
2 – Ao término do curso de Italiano, eu demonstrei que é possível obter resultados significativos com o curso se o idioma que você estiver estudando for linguisticamente próximo à sua língua materna ou às línguas que você domina. Mas o que o Rosetta Stone pode fazer por nós quando estudamos línguas mais difíceis?
Bem, vamos descobrir...
25 horas – Nível 1 (standard curriculum)
17 horas – Nível 2 (standard curriculum)
30 horas – Nível 3 (extended curriculum)
04 horas – revisão (placement para todos os 3 níveis)
11 horas – Audio Companion
TOTAL: 87 horas de estudo. Fiz em média um nível por mês.
Goethe Institute – (somente leitura e compreensão autitiva)*
Nível A1 = 90%
Compreensão auditiva – 14 de 15 pontos
Leitura – 13 de 15 pontos
Nível A2 = 70%
Compreensão auditiva – 9 de 15 pontos
Leitura – 12 de 15 pontos
* Não fiz as partes de escrita e fala porque não dispõem de correção automática.
25 horas – Nível 1 (standard curriculum)
17 horas – Nível 2 (standard curriculum)
30 horas – Nível 3 (extended curriculum)
04 horas – revisão (placement para todos os 3 níveis)
11 horas – Audio Companion
TOTAL: 87 horas de estudo. Fiz em média um nível por mês.
Goethe Institute – (somente leitura e compreensão autitiva)*
Nível A1 = 90%
Compreensão auditiva – 14 de 15 pontos
Leitura – 13 de 15 pontos
Nível A2 = 70%
Compreensão auditiva – 9 de 15 pontos
Leitura – 12 de 15 pontos
* Não fiz as partes de escrita e fala porque não dispõem de correção automática.
Depois de terminar o nível 3, posso dizer que falo um pouco de Alemão. Em termos gerais, consigo usar a língua em interações sociais bem simples.
Eis algumas das situações nas quais eu consigo usar meu conhecimento de Alemão:
- Cumprimentos;
- Apresentar-se e conhecer pessoas;
- Pedir informações;
- Pegar um táxi;
- Conversar com funcionários no aeroporto, rodoviária, metrô;
- Fazer compras;
- Comer fora;
- Fazer check-in num hotel;
- Pedir ajuda;
- Conversar com um médico;
- Dizer o que preciso ou o que quero;
- Expressar opiniões e descrever coisas de uma forma bem simples.
Este conhecimento seria suficiente, por exemplo, para usar a língua como um turista na Alemanha, ou para interagir um pouco com alguém que fala Alemão. Mas ainda não consigo realmente ter uma conversa na língua. Não consigo expressar minha opinião de forma mais complexa, não consigo defender minhas ideias numa discussão, não poderia nem ao menos entender uma discussão.
Se você rever o relatório de quando eu terminei o nível 3 de Italiano, verá como o Rosetta Stone me ajudou a assistir às notícias e a documentários em Italiano e mesmo a ler textos simples – eu tomei isso como hábito desde então. No entanto, nada disso é possível com o Alemão. Tentei assistir à vídeos e ler textos na língua, mas não parece ser muito proveitoso por enquanto. De fato, consigo entender muitas palavras isoladas – o Alemão não é uma língua totalmente estranha para mim como era antes. Em cada frase que eu leio ou escuto, consigo reconhecer várias palavras que eu aprendi no curso, mas ainda não consigo juntar essas palavras para ter um entendimento satisfatório.
Selecionei aleatoriamente um artigo da Euronews para verificar quantas palavras eu consigo reconhecer.
palavras que eu reconheceria sem qualquer estudo prévio (nomes próprios e cognatos)
palavras reconhecidas depois de terminar o nível 3 (palavras que aprendi no curso)
In einem europäischen Forschungsprojekt im italienischen Turin versuchen Wissenschaftler, die Geräusche einer Maschine genau zu untersuchen. Die Idee dahinter ist, die Vibrationen aufzuzeichnen, um eventuelle Ausfälle vorherzusagen und zu verhindern.
Der Physiker Alessandro Zanella: “Die Vibrationen stammen von Rotationen und beweglichen Teilen in den Motoren. Jede Maschine macht Geräusche und aufgrund derer können wir eine Diagnose zum Zustand der Maschine stellen. Wenn bestimmte Geräusche erzeugt werden, können diese auf mechanische Fehler hinweisen.”
Ein Kugellager, das kurz davor steht, kaputt zu gehen, erzeugt eine Vibration. Das bedeutet, dass der Fehler entdeckt werden kann, bevor die Maschine zusammenbricht. Dies geschieht mit Hilfe von Vibrationssensoren. Das Diagramm von Vibrationen kann wie ein EKG gelesen werden. Komplexe Algorithmen geben detaillierte Auskunft über den Zustand der Maschine. Aber es werden nicht alle Daten gesendet, nur solche, die entscheidend für die Analyse sind. Dafür sorgt ein kleines Gerät, erklärt Computer-Experte Mihai Marin-Perianu. “Dieses analysiert die Daten in Echtzeit. Dafür nutzt es anspruchsvolle Verfahren. Zeit und Frequenz spielen dabei eine wichtige Rolle. Es zieht aus dem Datenstrom die Merkmale heraus, die auf Fehler hinweisen können, und sendet diese dann an die Zentrale. Wir werden uns in Zukunft immer mehr auf diese Verfahrensweise verlassen, um in Fabriken jedes Teil einer Maschine virtuell beobachten zu können. Das wird in einem beispiellosen Umfang geschehen, aber zu erschwinglichen Kosten.”
Weniger Defekte machen eine Maschine effizienter und sorgen nicht nur für eine bessere Qualität der Geräte, sondern auch für eine höhere Sicherheit.
Computer-Experte Paul Havinga: “Vibrationen gibt es überall, in Flugzeugen, Hubschraubern, Maschinen und Zügen. Vibrationen geben einen Einblick in die Qualität der jeweiligen Maschine, in welchem Zustand sie sich befindet und ob sie voraussichtlich eine Panne haben wird. In den kommenden Jahren soll die Technologie zur Überwachung von Vibrationen auch in Zügen, Flugzeugen und Fabriken weltweit eingesetzt werden.”
303 palavras no total compõem o texto
52 palavras (em azul), ou 17% do total, seriam reconhecidas sem qualquer estudo prévio da língua, como nomes próprios e cognatos.
160 palavras (em vermelho) foram reconhecidas após o término do nível 3.
212 palavras, ou 70% de todas as palavras, foram reconhecidas no total
Eu consegui reconhecer 70% das palavras deste texto depois de terminar o RS nível 3. É surpreendente – eu não esperava tanto. No entanto, isso pode dar uma falsa impressão do que de fato é entender um texto. Ser capaz de reconhecer 70% das palavras de um texto não significa ser capaz de entender 70% da mensagem de um texto ou interpretá-lo bem. Também porque um grande número das palavras que constituem qualquer texto são palavras funcionais, como artigos, preposições, pronomes e verbos auxiliares, isto é, palavras que geralmente aprendemos em um curso básico. Mas ainda não consigo entender muitas palavras de conteúdo que são essenciais para a interpretação do texto. E se você observar o texto novamente, verá que a maioria das palavras de conteúdo que eu pude reconhecer são cognatos. Então em uma avaliação subjetiva, eu sinto que não tenho capacidade de ler notícias em Alemão e ter uma compreensão satisfatória.
A maior dificuldade em aprender alemão é como as palavras são estranhas. No começo, era mais difícil pronunciar e também se acostumar com o sistema de escrita. Eu não tive essa impressão com as outras línguas que estudei porque elas são mais próximas da minha bagagem cultural. Nesse sentido, o Alemão é uma língua mais distante, tanto em termos de ser linguisticamente distante das línguas que eu conheço, e também em termos de não estar presente no meu dia-a-dia (raramente ouço Alemão).
Após ter me acostumado mais com as palavras, a escrita e a pronúncia, a dificuldade que ainda persiste é com a compreensão. Algumas vezes preciso ler e ouvir a mesma frase várias vezes para conseguir entender. Mas, como tomo isto como um experimento, não consultei dicionário algum. Se não entendo algo, sigo em frente – o impressionante é que, à medida que prossigo, quando menos estou esperando tenho uma compreensão súbita de algo que havia deixado para trás.
Não experimentei essa dificuldade de compreensão quando estudei Italiano com o RS – eu conseguia entender as frases quase instantaneamente. Para mim, falante de Português, é relativamente fácil entender Italiano, mas é difícil escrever e falar corretamente.
Outra dificuldade a se ressaltar é com os artigos, preposições, formação do plural e terminações das palavras. São coisas que parecem ser bastante ilógicas e arbitrárias. De fato consegui aprender como usar parte desses elementos intuitivamente, embora pareça difícil. Mas me agrada essa aventura de colocar minha intuição para trabalhar, e só vou procurar por explicações depois que eu terminar o nível 5.
Depois que terminei os três níveis no computador, eu prossegui para o Audio Companion (AC) para servir como revisão. São 11 horas de gravação do nível 1 ao 3. Senti que escutar tudo realmente reforçou meu conhecimento e fez uma grande diferença na minha habilidade de falar.
No computador, aprendemos por meio de sons, imagens e escrita. Mas como o AC praticamos apenas com os sons. Isso envolve um processo mental diferente – desenvolvemos um outro tipo de percepção da língua. Com o software, sempre associamos sons a imagens; mas apenas com os sons, somos forçados a trazer essas imagens à mente. Outro ponto positivo do AC é que as seções de vocabulário de cada lição trazem várias palavras de lições anteriores como uma revisão. Isso ajudou a fixar melhor as palavras e intensificou minha habilidade de falar.
Depois de terminar o Rosetta Stone Alemão nível 3 em quase 90 horas de estudo, obtive 90% no nível A1 e 70% no nível A2 – isso corresponde a um conhecimento básico. Nesse ponto, o curso fornece conteúdo suficiente que permite ao aluno lidar com interações sociais bem simples. Eu conseguiria usar este conhecimento na maioria das situações comuns como um turista num país estrangeiro, apresentar-me, iniciar uma conversa simples com alguém ou descrever coisas de forma simples. Consegui identificar 70% das palavras de um texto. Isso pode parecer impressionante, mas temos que considerar que a maioria dessas palavras são palavras funcionais e não palavras de conteúdo que permitem uma melhor compreensão. Consigo reconhecer várias palavras isoladas em cada frase que leio ou escuto – mas não a ponto de permitir um entendimento significativo.
Por hora, isso é tudo, pessoal! Agora preciso estudar bastante porque quero retornar em breve para lhes trazer o relatório de estudos do nível 5 - e também vou fazer um vídeo mostrando um pouco da minha habilidade de falar... assim vocês podem ter uma ideia do que esperar ao estudar o curso completo. Se vocês estão curiosos e querem dicas, coloquem seus endereços de e-mail na caixa no canto superior para seguir o blog e receber as últimas atualizações! [Se usam o Chrome e não conseguem ver recursos como a caixa para assinar o blog e a contagem de tráfego, tentem outro navegador.]
Até breve! E bons estudos!